Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content

What to bring


Please check your child has a named bottle of water, healthy snack (KS2), lunch (either packed or pre-ordered school dinner), and weather-appropriate clothing - this could be sun cream and a hat or... a warm, waterproof coat as we will be outside in all weathers, come rain or shine.

Reading books will continue to be sent home and returned to school via the children.

PE kits to be brought in on Monday (all items named and in a labelled PE bag) and left in school for the week then taken home on Friday.

Please note that we are a NUT-FREE SCHOOL so no nuts or nut products to be brought to school for snack or in packed lunches.

Daily items - please make sure items are named

  • A water bottle - transparent plastic (not single use) and named please
  • Healthy snack in KS2 (fresh fruit/veg is supplied to EYFS and KS1) - School Council has agreed a healthy snack list (see Snack and Lunch for their approved list)
  • Lunch - packed if a school lunch hasn't been pre-ordered (see Snack and Lunch for information on ordering a school lunch)
  • A coat appropriate for the weather (we will be outside, come rain or shine)
  • Warm clothing on cooler days (discreet base layers may be worn under our regular uniform provided it is not visible)
  • Reading book (please return with the Reading Record according to the year group's routine - some daily, some every other day)
  • If required, a *small* backpack may be used but please note, we are limited for space so pegs and lockers are intended for coat and PE kit.

Please note: we are a NUT-FREE SCHOOL so no nuts/nut products or sesame to be brought to school for snack or in packed lunches.

Weekly items

  • PE Kit (bring in on Monday, take home on Friday): useful for a change of clothes - please remember outdoor trainers for PE on the field (in a named carrier bag to contain the mud) and hoodie/fleece and jogging bottoms (a useful extra layer on cooler days). Please make sure all items are named, including socks (top of the league table for misplaced/lost items!) and plimsolls.

Termly items

  • Wellies for EYFS to use outdoors (eg gardening, playing on the field etc) that can be left on pegs/in lockers. Please make sure they are named and in a named carrier bag (to contain the mud!).

Ad-hoc items

  • Celebrating birthdays with a non-uniform day is continuing to be popular with our children and families alike (due to cost, allergies and dietary requirements of classmates) so we are continuing to say "no birthday sweets please" and enjoy your birthday in your chosen outfit (shoes still need to be without heels please).
  • Show and Tells are timetabled by your child's teacher so please bring these only on your scheduled day.