Whitegrove Primary

SWGfL Report Harmful Content


Without mathematics, there’s nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers – Shakuntala Devi, Indian writer known as ‘the Human Computer’

Our vision for mathematics at Whitegrove is for children to develop as inspired, curious mathematicians, who use a collaborative approach to investigate and endeavour to resolve unforeseen, real life challenges.

Mathematics is about so much more than just numbers and rules. It is a language used to express connected ideas, which we see as patterns in the world around us, in nature, music, science and technology. It is this wonder that we seek to inspire in all our children at Whitegrove. Mathematics is taught daily throughout the school, in ability groups from KS2. We aim for all children to become fluent in the fundamentals through use of resources which model number relationships (including Numicon, dienes and place value counters) and progressing to visualising models and images which also support their reasoning and problems solving, As a school, we subscribe to Times Table Rock Stars, a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables and important number facts.

The context for mathematics lessons is practical and linked with real life to allow the children to make rich connections. Opportunities for mathematical exploration and expression exist throughout our curriculum, just as mathematics surrounds us in the real world.  At Whitegrove, we aim to make these connections to the real world through schoolwide initiatives, such as the Tower Challenge and Glider Week and other practical opportunities.

Children, as mathematicians, are taught to use the language of mathematics to reason – to make conjectures and generalisations, to develop arguments and to persevere in seeking solutions to prove their ideas. They are also taught to solve increasingly sophisticated problems and puzzles as they grow older using logic and algebra to express many possibilities.


Calculation Guidelines Feb 2018